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Where Are You Losing Energy in Your Home?

We all want our homes to be as energy efficient as possible to save money and protect the environment. But where do we even begin?  The first step is to recognize the areas of your home where you are losing energy. By performing your own energy audit, you can pinpoint your problem areas and start finding solutions for each one.

Top 5 Signs of Energy Loss in Your Home

  1. High Utility Bills – Old appliances, inefficient lighting, outdated HVAC systems, and inadequate insulation all contribute to higher energy bills.
  2. Allergies – Dirty air filters and leaky ductwork can result in airborne irritants that cause allergies to flare up.
  3. Cold Drafts – Air leaks allow heat to escape from your home, causing drafts of cold air.
  4. Condensation – Poor ventilation throughout your home can result in condensation on your windows.
  5. Hot Rooms – Inadequate insulation in your attic can cause your rooms to get overly hot in the summer.

Air Leaks

  • How to locate them: Some air leaks are more obvious than others, because you can feel drafts in your home, but you’ll also need to locate less obvious air leaks so you can properly seal them. Look for gaps or holes along the baseboard of your flooring and the junctures of your walls and ceilings. You can also make a list of outdoor leaks in exterior corners, water faucets, and any areas where two different building materials meet.
  • What you can do: Plug or caulk the holes for faucets, pipes, electric outlets and wiring in your home. Seal any cracks or holes in the mortar, foundation, and siding. Also, seal any leaks around windows and doors. For tips on selecting the appropriate sealant for the job, refer to these helpful caulking tips from the U.S. Department of Energy.

Improper Insulation Levels

  • How to locate them: Heat could be escaping through the ceilings and walls in your home, especially if your insulation levels are less than the recommended minimum. Check the insulation levels of your ceilings, walls, attic and basement. Make sure they meet ENERGY STAR® standards.
  • What you can do: You can add insulation to four specific areas in order to improve the overall efficiency and comfort of your home: attics and ceilings, walls, floors and basements. Make sure that any openings for pipes, chimneys, and ductwork are properly sealed, and that attic vents are not blocked by insulation.

Faulty HVAC Systems

  • How to locate them: Inspect your heating and cooling equipment at least once a year. Be sure to check and replace filters as necessary. You should also get them checked and cleaned by a professional annually. To schedule your yearly HVAC maintenance service in Allentown PA and the surrounding Greater Lehigh Valley area, contact Jack Lehr Heating Cooling & Electric!
  • What you can do: Consider replacing any equipment that is more than 15 years old. A new unit can drastically reduce energy consumption and costly utility bills. Keeping up with annual maintenance services will greatly increase the life of your HVAC systems.

Inefficient Lighting

  • How to locate it: Examine the light bulbs throughout your home to determine if they are the most efficient choice.
  • What you can do: Replace inefficient bulbs with energy-saving incandescent bulbs, compact fluorescent lamps, or light-emitting diodes.

Over-Used Appliances & Electronics

  • How to locate them: Estimate the energy usage of all the appliances and electronics in your home and how often you use them on a daily basis.
  • What you can do: Come up with strategies to help reduce the energy use of your appliances. Unplug your appliances and electronics when you’re done with them, and try to reduce the amount of time you are using them each day. Make sure all your products are the most efficient version possible.




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