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5 Weird Things that Impact Your Energy Bill

We’ve talked a fair bit about efficiency this year. After all, the temperatures and humidity have been downright nasty, and efficient cooling becomes pretty important in a hurry when you’re expending that much power. But have you given thought to the other things that might be eating up energy in your Greater Lehigh Valley home?

At Jack Lehr Heating, Cooling & Electric, we put our best foot forward in bringing you the best in solutions and services. Whether we’re bringing you more efficient cooling, stronger cooling, or an entirely new cooling system; we strive to be the professionals you can always trust!

5 Oddball Causes for High Energy Bills

You know stuff like air filters and system maintenance have an impact on your monthly energy use. But there are plenty of other causes as well, and some of them are downright strange.

  1. Energy leeching. Did you know that anything that is plugged in is using power at all times if there is a connected load? Yes, even when they’re off! This can contribute a surprising amount to your monthly energy costs, as we usually have tons of things plugged in all at once.
  2. Lackadaisical use of water. We mostly just wanted to use that word. But the thoughtless use of water actually eats up an appreciable amount of power as well; particularly hot water! Homes where occupants leave taps running while brushing teeth, wandering around the kitchen, or performing other tasks are adding needless dollars to their bill each and every month!
  3. When you use power matters. This doesn’t go for everyone, but it goes for a lot of us. Many power companies ramp up kWh costs during “primetime” hours; some do it at irregular hours. It’s a good idea to track down your provider and learn whether or not they do this. And if they do, adjust your daily schedule a bit to accommodate. Jack Lehr’s service area no longer has time of day power rates, so when power is used not matter for our residential customer’s costs.
  4. Not enough maintenance. We both knew we’d mention this one. But hey, we’re all about HVAC, and the topic is important! Statistically, air conditioning systems use 5 percent of all energy nationwide every year, resulting in a cost of around 11 billion across the United States. This right here is exactly why efficient cooling is important, and why you should make positively sure you’re getting the maintenance you need. It’s the hands-down best way to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your air conditioner!
  5. Small air leaks. One small air leak isn’t a huge issue. But think about a minor leak coming from the seals in your refrigerator. Now add one from each window in your home. Ten from various parts of the attic. We could go on and on, but you get the point! Homeowners on average have tons of tiny air leaks in the home, and all together these can account for a lot of energy being tossed right out into the open air. Worried about how many air leaks might be lurking in your home? Call in for an energy audit!

Contact Jack Lehr for Efficient Cooling Solutions

We’ve been providing residents of Pennsylvania and New Jersey with exceptional repair, installation, and maintenance services for years. Contact Jack Lehr for comprehensive care today!

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